4 Foods that Should Be Included in Your Diet


#1 Proteins

The benefits of proteins are incredible. The body uses amino acids to create muscle, tissue, and cells which in turn help the human body function properly. Without protein, proper development would not be possible. Protein is also used for energy when carbohydrates or fat – two other nutrients that need to be included in your diet – aren’t available.


Proteins provide us with essential vitamins such as Vitamin A & D; they support healthy skin and hair growth while strengthening bones too! However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still have your regular dental checkup with https://www.yoursanantoniodentists.com as well! In addition, proteins are vital for a healthy immune system because it helps fight off bacterial infections. Lastly, but importantly, proteins contain tryptophan which converts into serotonin within the brain- this chemical makes you happy! Healthy sources of protein include meat (beef, pork), fish, eggs, and dairy products.

#2 Vegetables 

Vegetables are an excellent addition to any diet. In fact, you should be eating at least five portions of vegetables every day! Vegetables contain fiber which helps digestion and also keeps your heart healthy by reducing cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. Fiber is vital for proper elimination, too- without it, constipation can occur as well as other health issues such as hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, and diverticulitis – to name a few.

4 Foods that Should Be Included in Your Diet

The best kinds of vegetables include those that grow below ground (e.g., carrots, turnips) or above ground (e.g., broccoli). Other examples include beans & legumes, peas & green beans, etc. In addition, vegetables provide us with essential vitamins, including Vitamin A, C & E, as well as minerals like potassium and zinc.

#3 Fruits 

Fruits are a great addition to any diet because they provide us with vitamins and minerals that we need in order for our bodies to function properly. For example, fruits contain Vitamin C, which helps the immune system as well as reduces cholesterol levels- this is important since high LDL can cause heart disease, stroke, or type two diabetes.


In addition, fruits have been shown to reduce blood pressure due to their potassium content. The best kinds of fruit include tropical regions such as oranges & pineapples (e.g.), but other sources include avocados, bananas, etc. Finally, it’s also worth mentioning that fruits like berries provide antioxidants that help fight off free radicals or cells that damage DNA – this prevents cancer!

#4 Fats

Fats have a bad reputation. However, they are an essential part of the human diet. Fatty acids help our bodies absorb vitamins and minerals from other food groups, as well as helping to regulate our hormones. Fats also play a role in cell growth and repair while supporting the nervous system.


There are different types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated & polyunsaturated, which can be found in both animal and plant-based foods. The best sources of healthy fats include oily fish (salmon, trout), nuts (almonds, walnuts), and seeds (chia, flax). Oily fish is high in Omega-three fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health due to their anti-inflammatory properties – meaning they can help reduce the risk of conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and arthritis.


Including these four food groups in your diet is essential for proper health and development!

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