Skin Care 101: 7 Simple Ways to Protect Your Skin this Summer


Summer is finally here, and you’re probably down for a daily walk on the beach, reading a book, or snacking on a patio table. Although the warm weather feels good to enjoy, you should be aware that too much exposure to the sun can severely damage your skin. According to the World Health Organization, 90% of visible aging signs are attributed to sun exposure. Over time, failure to protect your skin adequately leads to serious health problems like cataracts and skin cancer. It is, therefore, vital to protecting your skin this summer as you enjoy it in the following simple ways.


Double sun protection with clothing and accessories

The summer weather makes it favorable to wear short clothes like tank tops, shorts, and bikinis. For the gents, it’s equally favorable to stay shirtless due to the heat. While this makes it easy to endure the weather, it increases your sun exposure. You must ensure that you protect your skin by covering cancer-prone areas, such as the ears and neck; wear a wide-brimmed hat and light clothing. Don’t forget to protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses that block the sun’s UV rays.

Skin Care 101: 7 Simple Ways to Protect Your Skin this Summer

Wear sunscreen

At some point in life, one out of every five Americans develops skin cancer due to excessive exposure to the sun. During summer, make purchasing and applying tones of sunscreen a priority to shield your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays; purchase water-resistant and broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or more for utmost protection. Additionally, get yourself a lip balm containing SPF. Apply sunscreen a few minutes before you visit the outdoors, reapply when you’re outside, and after excessive sweating or swimming.

Stay under shade

Between 10 am and 4 pm, the sun is usually at its strongest; if you’re going to be outside, take cover under a shade. However, remember that even under the shade, the sand and water still reflect the UV rays, putting you at risk of burning. Alternatively, you can decide to spend these hours indoors, take lunch, have a nap, or engage in indoor games with family and friends. Also, you can use this time to get work done in your local coffee shop.

Refine your daily regimens and commit to your skincare routine

As you go about your summer festivities, don’t forget to maintain your skincare routine. During this time, it is incredibly essential to commit to it. According to Storm’s Blog, you need to be committed to get that beautiful skin. Unlike other cold seasons when the weather is relatively cold, you need regimens that enhance your skin’s protection against the sun. Invest in makeup products that contain SPF on top of your sunscreen and beach-friendly sprays that don’t leave you pasty or sticky.


You can quickly get dehydrated when you spend a lot of time in the sun; this ultimately takes a toll on your overall health and your skin. Ensure you’re consuming enough water, maybe a little more than you did during winter, to prevent chances of having dry and damaged skin. The best way to ensure youโ€™re hydrating enough is by having a sizable water bottle with you wherever you go. Preferably, opt for metallic water bottles that have insulation to keep your water cold for long periods.

Keep clothing loose

Summer is hot, and your kids and infants are at risk of getting a heat rash, also known as miliaria or prickly heat. Heat rash comes about as a result of blocked sweat ducts that limit perspiration. If this happens to your little one, you will notice tiny, itch, red bumps. Although you still want to keep your child dressed up to protect against the harmful UV rays, ensure they wear loose-fitting clothes to keep the skin dry and cool.ย  While indoors, turn on your air-conditioning or fan to keep the space cool.

Take cold or warm showers and moisturize

Hot showers are enjoyable, but they dry your skin. When you’ve been outdoors on the deck, yard, or beach participating in fun activities, take cold or warm showers and keep them short. Afterward, follow it up with exfoliation to eliminate any dead or dry skin; lock in the moisture with moisturizers, such as oil or lotion. During the summer, avoid using harsh chemical exfoliating products, such as peels, as they cause sensitivity under the sun.

The long-awaited summer is finally here, and you can now enjoy the warmth that comes with it. However, your skin’s protection should be a priority. Even as you wear minimal clothing like shorts, remember to put on sunscreen and other sun essentials to limit sun exposure.

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