The Common Signs Of Aging And How You Can Combat Them

Aging can be one of those things we can be a little scared of. We all want to look and feel younger, but as each day passes we get a day older. So while we can’t pause time, what can we do? With that in mind, here are some of the common signs of getting older and there aging process with a few hints on how you can combat them. We will have you looking and feeling younger in no time at all. 

The Common Signs Of Aging And How You Can Combat Them

Dark spots and wrinkles on your skin

One of the biggest giveaways of age is our skin. So it’s no surprise that when those wrinkles start to appear or those dark spots form we can start to worry. Wrinkles are something we just can’t seem to avoid, but considering treatments like a Cosmelan peel could help reduce the signs. For many of us, dark spots are the cause of exposing our skin to harmful UVB and UVA Rays. While we can’t undo any damage that has already been done, there is something we can do to help the process. Applying sunscreen everyday to your skin will protect against the causes of wrinkles and dark spots. Hopefully allowing our skin to stay elasticated and evenly toned for longer. 

Dry hands and bumpy hands

It’s true. Our hands are a big giveaway of age. Just look at Madonna and Sandra Bullock. All amazingly beautiful and youthful looking. But one glance at their hands and you can see that they are older than you would believe. This is due to your skin losing its elasticity as you get older. Causing the veins on your hands to pop up and give a bumpy texture. While you can’t control those pesky veins, what you can do is regularly use hand cream to keep the skin hydrated and smooth. 

Dull and thinning hair

We may all experience problems with our hair during pregnancy. Even stressful times and taking different medications. They can all make our hair fall out due to the temporary imbalance of hormones. But as the menopause age hits, and those hormones imbalance on a more permanent basis, you could see this reflected in some hair loss and thinning. While nothing can stop it from happening, you can cosmetically make some changes. Volumizing hair products like mousse, sprays and shampoos can all give your hair a bit of a lift. 

Sore feet

If we could go back in time, then maybe we wouldn’t wear those killer heels as often as we did. But sadly we have all punished our feet in ill fitting heels too many times. At some point, our feet are going to develop painful bunions or cracked heels. This is a big sign of aging. If you start to notice the signs, then make sure you regularly moisturise your feet and purchase some comfortably fitted shoes. This should avoid those issues peaking. At least enabling you to rock those heels a few more times. 

A fading smile

Finally, a fading smile doesn’t mean you smile less as you get older. More that your smile isn’t as bright as it once was. This is because the enamel wears away over time, exposing a more yellowish colour underneath. If you start to notice this, then consider trying some at home whitening kits to give your smile a boost. 

Let’s hope this helps you combat the signs of aging. 

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