Bringing A New Meaning To A Comfortable Day

We all like a lazy day inside, whether you’re tucked up in bed til gone midday, or you’re in your pajamas in front of the TV for hours on end. Don’t feel bad about it if you need to take a day to yourself in an otherwise incredibly busy world, we all need to do it! And whilst you’re might be the most wanderlusty person known to man, even you have days off. But when these rare occasions do roll around, we need to make sure we spend as much time working on our energy levels and positive outlook so we don’t miss them too much when it’s time for reality to ensue. So why not make your comfortable days absolutely worth their weight in gold, and take it to the extreme? Here’s some ways you make your afternoon all to yourself feel like a real slice of heaven.
No one cares about the socks you wear when you’re at home!
Rest Your Eyes More
When you’re at home trying to relax, it’s likely that you’re staring at your phone, laptop, or TV screen where your favorite game or show is playing. However, doing it for too long is just going to strain your eyes, especially when you’re sitting still for a long period of time. Being in  a dark space where you’re not trying to focus on anything else is great for your health, as well as doing a lot to try and conserve your eyesight.
So instead, try to break it up with light activity, or even a nap from time to time. If you’re doing the latter, you’re going to be replenishing your energy levels even better, as long as you don’t try kipping on the sofa too late in the day. Even a 20 minute power nap can hit you with a huge energy burst at 1 in the morning when you’ve got work the next day!
Focus on Your Feet
A lot of people don’t actually own slippers anymore, which is a tragedy in this day and age. When you’ve got a good pair of slippers on your side, you’ve got a comfortable carpet to walk on wherever you go, as well as no chance of having cold toes interrupt your relaxing day. And let’s face it, our feet are usually the last part (or the forgotten part!) of our beauty routines.
You can even buy a pair of slippers with heel if you’re the kind of person who likes the more glamorous side of things, or the extra height is something necessary to make sure you can walk comfortably. Going barefoot around your house is not a great idea for every kind of person after all!
The Main Rule to Follow?
Relax your way. When you’re having a comfortable day, make sure you’re always doing things that make YOU feel the most relaxed. It’s no good someone telling you to drink a smoothie if you don’t like the fruit combination it’s made up of!

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